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The cryosphere is the part of the earth consisting of frozen water, and it plays a crucial role in the Earth’s climate. The cryosphere affects many components of the Earth’s climate system including the amount of solar radiation the Earth reflects as well as circulation in the atmosphere and ocean. The cryosphere has seen significant transformation in recent years in response to climate change. These transformations in turn affect the climate and thus understanding the cryosphere and its interaction with the climate is crucial. Sea ice and ice sheets are two key parts of the cryosphere covering a significant portion of the Earth’s surface which are distinct but related. Owing to their importance sea ice and ice sheets have seen significant research to understand and model them. However, modelling sea ice and ice sheets raises numerous mathematical challenges, some shared, due to the complexity of their interactions with other climate systems as well as the multiple spatial and temporal scales involved.


This workshop brings together mathematicians and geophysicists to exchange knowledge, build a common foundation for the mathematics of sea ice and ice sheets and to discuss and address the key modelling challenges.